
Hobo Spider

Hobo Spider The Hobo Spider, Eratigena agrestis, is a giant spider that found its way into the USA from Europe in the 1930s. Hobo spiders got their name from the belief that they got into the USA by hitching rides on people who traveled by railway. These spiders are often thought to be brown recluses …

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Garden Spider

Garden Spiders Commonly known as the cross spider or yellow garden spider, Araneus diadematus is a member of the orb-weaver family known for creating spectacular webs. Garden spiders are native to North America, but they have recently spread throughout the United States and other places in the world. Many people believe that garden spiders are …

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Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider Also known as hunting spiders or ground spiders, wolf spiders are quick and efficient hunters. Unlike other species that spin elaborate webs to entrap and catch their prey, wolf spiders catch other insects by running them down like a wolf, hence their name.  Although there are over 2,300 species of wolf spider worldwide, …

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Brown Widows

Brown Widow Also known as Latrodectus geometricus, Gray Widow, or Brown Button Spiders, the brown widow is a lesser known relative of the famous black widow spider. Although the brown widow spider is suspected of having originated in Africa, it was discovered in South America. For this reason, its original habitat continues to be a …

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Black Widow Spiders

Black Widow Spiders Black Widow spiders are reputedly one of the deadliest and most secretive spiders in the US. Contrary to popular belief, the black widow is not a single species but rather a genus (Latrodectus) that includes four species that can be found across every state in America. Although black widows do have potent …

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house spider

House Spiders

House Spiders We have all seen cobwebs in and around our homes, and sometimes, we can even see who makes them. Some of us may not be bothered by spiders, but there are many people that find them quite frightening and would prefer not to find them around the house. You may be surprised to …

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Do Spiders Fly?

Do Spiders Fly? If you have a spider problem in your home, these little critters might be one of the most difficult to deal with. Luckily, most spiders do not fly and so they cannot easily get into your house. Still, you want to make sure that if you see any sort of bug flying …

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Covered Pests


Fire ant
Red ant
Acrobat ant
Sugar/house ant


Brown recluse
Black widow
Orb weaver
Wolf spider

"Common" roaches

Oriental roach
Smokey brown roach
American roach
Brown banded roach

Rodents (extra add on)

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